Mela Rosa Shop is the result of the synergy and shared work between the municipal institution, the Mayor of Monte San Martino Matteo Pompei, and the managers of the MAIA project within Self Globe.
A showcase for the sale of typical local products from a group of local companies. The shop, set up in the old town centre, will be supported by a platform dedicated to online marketing to allow even those who are not local to come into contact with traditions, culinary specialities and amazing taste experiences.
This new store is promoted and guaranteed by MAIA, an innovative and revolutionary brand created by Self Globe.
MAIA is nothing more than a format, a modern business concept that aims to enhance and give visibility to the typical products of individual territories by promoting them on an international market. Mela Rosa Shop, a MAIA affiliate, will have the opportunity to become part of a global network and will allow the small producers who take part in the project to develop commercial relations and important partnerships with other MAIAs in Italy and around the world.
The MAIA managers at Self Globe have taken care of the selection of farms in line with the values of the entire project; they have also carefully and meticulously selected the range of products to be sold online and in the store. Different factors and principles are taken into account during this process. Preference is given to all those activities that have nothing to do with large-scale distribution; farmers who directly process the raw materials they produce in their fields. MAIA wants to give visibility to small local producers, enhancing the typicality of the territory and the work of farmers and giving, in this way, the possibility to the customer to buy a guaranteed, healthy and genuine product at a fair price. When the list of producers and products is ready, the next step is taken.
Una volta creata l’identità del negozio Mela Rosa da parte del Comune, i responsabili MAIA hanno allestito lo store seguendo i colori, lo stile e i codici del marchio. Si sono occupati anche della disposizione interna dei prodotti e della Once the identity of the Mela Rosa shop had been created by the municipality, MAIA managers set up the store following the colours, style and brand codes. They also took care of the internal arrangement of the products and the commissioning of the digital checkout kit for product traceability in blockchain, together with the technical specialists. This innovative and cutting-edge system makes it possible to guarantee complete transparency of the supply chain, both of the raw materials and of the manufacturing and preparation processes used to arrive at the final product. Mela Rosa Shop therefore is a kind of showcase, used by the farms that have joined the MAIA project, to make their products known to the world or, better, a collector for the genuineness selected during the previous phase. It is the “first products” of a company that are part of the distribution network and not the whole catalogue of choice.
In collaboration with the Municipality of Monte San Martino, Self Globe is working on the creation of an E-Commerce website for the sale of the products in the store. From February 2022, all goods will be available for purchase directly through the dedicated online platform, allowing customers to receive typical products from the Marche region directly on their table at home. A click will be enough to have at your fingertips everything you have been wanting to taste for a long time. Initially, shipments will be limited to Italy, but Self Globe is already working to be able to sell abroad.
Mela Rosa Shop, associated with MAIA, wants to help the farmers who live in Monte San Martino (and not only) to value all the dedication and hard work they put in every day to try to preserve the goodness and genuineness of the typical products of the Marche tradition.
Visit the shop in Via Armando Ricci, 8 in Monte San Martino (MC) or order online from the website
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